sleepyjohn00 (sleepyjohn00) wrote,

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A long-delayed letter, and what came of it.

While I was noddling around the Web one day, I found the web page of one of my long-time favorite authors, Ursula K. LeGuin. Long time: I used her books as source material in a 'Science Fiction as Literature' course when I was in college. It came to me that I wanted to write her a letter, silly as that might sound. I mean, once you've said 'Duh, I like you books, duh', what else do you say to a writer like that?

Well, I finally screwed my courage to the keyboard, and sent her a thank-you for some of the books she's written that have made a difference to me. For instance, I read from her translation of the Tao Te Ching at Mom's funeral.

Yesterday, I got a letter. She sent me a note that said 'Thank you for writing - your letter brightened up a dark rainy day. UKL'. Tucked in were six SIGNED dragon bookplates.

Tags: ursula k leguin

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