sleepyjohn00 (sleepyjohn00) wrote,

  • Mood:

worth reading

How to think about The Internet

I've been using the Internet since uucp store-and-forward email; it's startling to think how many people still think of it as a bunch of tubes. Read and be enlightened.

  • Descriptive

    Therizinosaurs---a truly weird-looking creature that walked on two legs, had a long neck, and sported a set of front claws that made it look like…

  • How can you be in two places at once

    when you're not anywhere at all? I dunno. I put jokes and memes on FB. I put my pictures on Tumblr and DeviantArt. I don't really post new content…

  • About what I thought.

    So, what does LJ offer that I don't already do on FB, Tumblr, and Reddit? I can't offhand think of anyone here who I'm not seeing on one or more of…

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