sleepyjohn00 (sleepyjohn00) wrote,

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A distinctly non-humerus vein

Well, my left arm has given its last pint of blood. Four phlebotomists tried to get a needle into the vein, but thirty years of donations has built up so much scar tissue that the vein was pushed aside instead of puncturing. So I'll have to use my right arm from now on, and the vein there is deeper and more difficult to reach and bruises bigger. Frack. One of these days, it's going to be too much, and I'll have to get out of the donor business. With all the restrictions for medications and travel and lifestyle, the donor pool is not growing as fast as the population. Well, I have The Kids trained up to donate, and My Wife would donate if she could get her hemoglobin level out of the single digits.

GIMPed up and posted some EVIL pictures over on one webcomic forum. Without inducing blindness, let's just say SailorZilla is not going to get his own movie and fan club and cosmetic line any time soon.

Been a fairly relaxed weekend, and only 358 days until we don't go to the Valhalla event again. Got a lot of this-and-that chores done, and the Boy skunked me in three straight games of Magic without losing a single life-point himself. An OCD would go bananas playing that game, trying to keep track of every critter and spell and combination and tactic. But the cards are pretty. (he's going to kill me for that)

My Wife played her viola debut, performing selections from The Messiah at Walnut Creek Prez, so yay for her!
Tags: blood, music, sailorzilla, work

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